
Additional file 4. Population of H. pylori Maesot strains by STRUCTURE. The H. pylori strains from 24 Thai, 20 Hmong, 15 Karen and 7 Thai-Chinese were analyzed by STRUCTURE with K from 8–15. Each horizontal bar represent one strain, and the color in a line are proportional to the probabilities that the strain belong to each population. Each color square represented the strain from Thai, Hmong, Karen and Thai-Chinese. The H. pylori Maesot strains were hspEAsia, hpAsia2 and hpEurope. Interestingly, H. pylori Hmong and Thai-Chinese strains were located in hspEAsia while H. pylori Karen strains were belonged to hpAsia2. Thai H. pylori strains were located in three population

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