Additional file 1: Appendix S1. of A complex intervention to improve implementation of World Health Organization guidelines for diagnosis of severe illness in low-income settings: a quasi-experimental study from Uganda


Pre-training facility assessment tool. Appendix S2. Quick Check + hospital assessment report of existing severe illness practices. Table S1. Characteristics of inpatient health facilities participating in SIMS intervention. Table S2. Diagnostic criteria for severe illness conditions covered in Quick Check + training program, as defined by the World Health Organization District Clinician Manual. Table S3a. Barriers to executing target behaviors*, as documented by hospital staff while formulating implementation plans and placed into COM-B domains. Table S3b. Intervention functions targeting identified barriers and facilitators as defined in the Behavioral Change Wheel framework. Table S4a Between-site variation in vital sign collection before and after SIMS introduction, by site. Table S4b. Between-site variation in impact of SIMS on vital sign collection, by vital sign. Figure S1. Diagram illustrating the conceptual model based on components of the COM-B model that was utilized to develop the SIMS intervention. Figure S2. Staggered, pre-post quasi-experimental study design utilized for implementation of SIMS intervention. Baseline period indicates time period following Quick Check + training and before SIMS intervention. Intervention period indicates time period during which SIMS intervention was implemented. Figure S3. Flow diagram for patients included in study (DOCX 607 kb

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