
Original image stacks of Eocene Baltic amber inclusions, the type series for <br><br>Acari: Trombidiformes: Eleutherengona: Myobiidae: <br><br>Prohylomysobia erinaceophilus Sidorchuk and Bochkov in <br><br>Sidorchuk et al. 2017 Journal of Systematic Paleontology. In <br><br>Baltic amber piece, originally from the private collection of <br><br>Thomas Weiterchan, coll. # 1185 (TW 1185), housed by GPIH, <br><br>collection number 4597. Specimen number and microscopy <br><br>magnification indicated in file name.<br><br>Images are obtained with Nikon Eclipse 800 compound <br><br>microscope, mostly with 60x water immersion lens, Stacks of <br><br>images were obtained with a Nikon DS-Fi1 digital camera <br><br>(coded as "Vals" in th file names) or Nikon D7000 camera (see <br><br>filenames), color-, noise- and sharpness-enhanced with Adobe <br><br>Photoshop Lightroom 5.7.1. Combined images made with the aid <br><br>of Helicon Focus Pro 6.5.2, algorithm A, with subsequent <br><br>manual transfer of significant details taken from the <br><br>individual images, as necessary (_comb in the file names). <br><br>Scale bars are provided in the same collection: as a separate <br><br>folder for Vals camera and as additional files in the image <br><br>stacks from the Nikon D7000 camera

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