Perceived cultural competence levels among challenge course facilitators


The purpose of this study was to provide a greater understanding of the perceived levels and the importance of cultural competence within the context of challenge course facilitation and professional practice. One hundred seventy-two challenge course facilitators, who are currently members of the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT), completed online surveys regarding cultural competence in professional practice. The findings showed that challenge course facilitators, who work in diverse settings, felt that cultural competence is an important issue in their professional practice and in the challenge course industry. Overall, the perceived levels of facilitator cultural competence (awareness and knowledge) were fair to good while the perceived levels of cultural skills varied from limited to good. Cultural competence was rated and ranked as the lowest professional skill when compared to the four other professional skills (core, risk management, technical, and facilitation) in regards to proficiency and importance for professional practice. Facilitators commented that cultural diversity is an important issue in the industry as professionals and participants are not as diverse as the current U.S. demographics. Challenge course facilitators acknowledged that training and education in cultural competence would improve their professional practice and positively influence the industry. This research adds to our understanding of cultural competence in challenge course professional practice, the importance of cultural diversity in the industry, and the importance of cultural competence as a skill in professional practice

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