At the intersections of the embodiment and emergence for a mathematics teacher educator


Research in mathematics education and curriculum theory currently has a very limited set of intersections. Few education researchers claim to work in both fields. I draw on the work of those few researchers for my own understandings as a mathematics teacher educator. Now as a part of this small community, I continue to struggle with what it means to be a mathematics educator from a curriculum theorist‘s perspective. In my journey and in my research, I have come to realize that mathematics is often perceived as an external truth, a fixed set of ideas, and based on that perception, mathematics pedagogy is proffered as basics-as-breakdown (Jardine, Clifford, & Friesen, 2003). As an alternative, I propose that a different way to consider mathematics education is to imagine how one can experience being in the world with mathematics. This being with idea emerged by reviewing two topics in particular: curriculum and the history of mathematics, which are central to my understandings of teacher education, specifically mathematics teacher education. Coupled with this investigation is an autobiographical reflection of how I have experienced being in the world with mathematics and how this investigation allows for a more meaningful engagement in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The intertwining of the personal with the contextual displays how the idea of being with is an interconnected and dynamic notion

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