Perceived Discrimination and Academic Achievement among Latino Adolescents: A Risk and Resiliency Model


Discrimination experiences can act as salient stressors for ethnic minority adolescents by impacting a variety of developmental outcomes in a negative manner. However, the majority of available research on adolescent discrimination experiences has been conducted with African American samples and a paucity of discrimination research exists with Latino adolescents. The current study examined associations among discrimination, self-regulated learning efficacy, and academic achievement for 399 Latino adolescents. Using a risk and resilience theoretical framework, this study examined the potential for discrimination from peers, authority figures, and teachers to function as risk factors for lower self-regulated learning efficacy and lower academic achievement. Self-regulated learning efficacy was examined as a potential generative mechanism, providing a partial explanation for why discrimination experiences might be associated with lower academic achievement. Parental support and monitoring were included as possible protective factors, and adolescent gender (being female) was included as a vulnerability factor

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