
Circular components in center of pressure signals


Static posturography provides an objective assessment of postural control by characterizing the body sway during upright standing. The Center-of-Pressure (CoP) signal is recorded by a force platform and it is analyzed by means of many different models and techniques. Most of the parameters calculated according to these different approaches are affected by relevant intra- and inter-subject variability and/or do not have a clear physiological interpretation. Traditional approaches decompose the CoP signal into antero-posterior and medio-lateral time series, corresponding to ankle plantar/dorsiflexion and hip adduction/abduction, respectively. In this study we hypothesized that CoP signals show inherent rotational characteristics. To verify our hypothesis we applied the rotary spectra analysis to the 2-dimensional CoP signal to decompose it into clockwise and counter-clockwise rotational components. We demonstrated the presence of rotational components in the CoP signal of healthy subjects, providing a reference data set of the spectral characteristics of these component

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