

:从专利视角出发,对全球卤水镁矿产资源开发技术的发展现状与态势进行了分析,通过专利量的年度走势、区域分布、申请人分布、IPC分布、文本聚类、主题关联等信息,展示了百年卤水镁矿产资源开发的技术概况;为了了解近期卤水镁资源开发的状况,分析了近5年全球卤水镁矿产资源开发技术的专利,通过对比分析,清晰而客观地展现了卤水镁矿产资源研发的热点与态势。Abstract:From the perspective of patent analysis, based on the annual trend, regional distribution, the distribution of the applicant, distribution of IPC, text clustering, and other topics related, shows an overview of a century of magnesium resources of salt lake development technology; In order to understand the recent situation of magnesium resources of salt lake development, analysis of the past five years, global patent on magnesium resources of salt lake development and technology, through comparative analysis, show more clearly the current hot of research and development trend

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