
English second language (L2) literacy instruction and acquisition in Kenyan rural primary schools : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of M. Ed. (Special Education)


Teachers' literacy instructional approaches in English language for children in lower primary (Year 1 to Year 3) Kenyan schools were investigated. Fifteen teachers were given an error scenario task and a questionnaire task, which were used to categorise them as either using context-based, word-based, or mixed (using both context-based and word-level strategies) approaches. The aim was to determine which instructional approach is most effective for early literacy development in a second language context. The results indicated that slightly more than a half of the teachers preferred to use mixed approaches. Further, children who received mixed approach instruction preformed significantly better on all literacy and literacy-related measures than children who did not receive such instruction. Language, reading and reading-related tasks in English Language were administered to 148 children. The aim was to investigate the literacy developmental trends across the years and establish which of the two variables, word identification skills or second language oral ability, influenced reading comprehension performance. The results indicated that word identification skills independently influenced reading comprehension performance in both Year 2 and Year 3 classes, but language skills did not

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