
Perancangan Aplikasi Palembang Mobile News


The development of mobile application technology today is growing rapidly. With this technology, we can find some information with ease. Many people who come to Kilkenny had difficulty obtaining information relating to the city of Palembang. To overcome these problems, required application Kilkenny Design Mobile News. Kilkenny Design Applications Mobile News was developed with the Java language, namely Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), which is an object-oriented programming language. With the J2ME platform, allows developers to create applications that are multi-platform, so it can be implemented in various brands of cell phones that support Java applications. In developing the system, identified system requirements using RUP (Rational Unified Process), which consists of stages of inception, Elaboration, and Construction. Then, the software is designed using UML (Unified Modeling Language). Results of the study obtained a Palembang Mobile News application that allows consumers in making informed - information such as tourism, hotels, shopping, culinary, restaurant, culture, travel, airports and sports center. With the application of Palembang Mobile News is expected also to increase the knowledge of Palembang city in the world of both the National and International

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