
Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Dengan Perilaku Pencegahan Terjadinya Luka Kaki Diabetik Pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe II


Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disease caused by an inadequate role of insulin. A frequent complication is the occurrence of leg injuries that often get worse into diabetic foot ulcers and the worst possibility of not doing good wound care is amputation. Therefore the patient is very necessary to have preventive behavior for diabetic foot ulcers do not occur. Preventive behavior will be done well if preceded by the level of knowledge and good attitude of people with Diabetes Mellitus itself. Objective: knowing the relationship between the level of knowledge and attitudes with the prevention behavior of diabetic foot ulcer in human with diabetes mellitus type II . Methods: This research is quantitative, the research design used the descriptive correlative with cross sectional approach.Collecting data using questionnaires and validity test before use.The sample used as many as 83 people with sampling techniquePurposive Sampling .The study was conducted for 2 weeks from 20 stNovember to 1st December 2017 at Purwosari Community Health Center.Data analysis using Spearmant Rank test to know the relationship of knowledge level with behavior, while Chi-Square analysis test to know the relationship of Attitudes with Behavior. Results: The majority of respondents have a good level of knowledge and good in preventive behavior for diabetic foot ulcers there are 25 people (30.12%) with p-value 0,000 (<0.05) which means there is a relationship between level of knowledge with preventive behavior for diabetic foot ulcers. While there are 30 people (36,14%) which stated positive but the behavior is less with p-value 0,000 (<0,05) which means there is relationship between attitude with preventive behavior for diabetic foot ulcers. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus type II, Diabetic foot ulcers, Level of Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, Preventionof Diabetic foot ulce

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