
Analisis Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bagian Produksi (Studi Pada Pt. Safari Junie Textindo, Boyolali)


This study aims to test and to know empirically (1) the influence of Education on Employee Performance (2) the influence of Workforce Training on Employee Performance (3) Effect of Education and Training of Workers together to Employee Performance. The sample in this research is 80 employees of production department of PT. SAFARI JUNIE TEXTINDO with random sampling technique. Data collection method used is questionnaire. Data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis, F test, R square and t test. The result of t test analysis shows that there is partial influence between independent variable to dependent variable while F test data shows the existence of simultaneous influence between education and worker training on employee performance with procentages of 28,1% while the rest is explained by other variable outside this research

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