
Perancangan Alat Bantu Pencacah Tanaman Janggelan untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Waktu Kerja


A good posture in doing the work will provide worker comfort in work. But work with posture that is not supposed to be in the kingdom is not in the position would lead to disorders that interfere with the work. The research was carried out in the CV. Bumi Makmur village Temboro, District Karangtengah, Wonogiri on a provisional enumeration process plant. The purpose of this research is to know the risk factors of work on workers tentative enumeration process plants, give recommendations for improvement correct working posture, designing and making tools tentative enumeration of plants, and determine the level of efficiency of the design work time after the provisional count tool plant. Nordic body map is a questionnaire used to determine a worker disorders based on what is perceived worker from neck to feet. REBA method is one method used to identify and analyze risk working posture by posture of someone in work. The results of the REBA score is 7, which is classified as action level 2 and requires corrective action. So that the corrective actions taken are necessary to design provisional count tool plant is expected to reduce the risk of one's work. Unknown value results REBA score after the design tool is 4 and still includes action level 2 but with a decline in the value of REBA. In addition, with their count tool is able to increase the efficiency of working time with a time of 6 minutes 55 seconds faster than the previous 8 minutes 30 seconds. Grievances felt by workers can be minimized with the use of the tool posture. So as to increase the efficiency of the working time of enumeration process

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