
Usaha Guru Agama dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMA Negeri 1 Pacitan Tahun 2013/2014


This study uses a qualitative approach. It is a research methods which is used to research the condition of the natural object, where the researcher is a key instrument. Method of determining the subject uses purposive sampling. Data collection techniques such as observation, structured and unstructured interviews, and documentation. After the data collected, analyzing is done, by using the inductive deductive descriptive techniques, the educational procedures of data, categorization of data, sintese the data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study shows that the implementation of Islamic Education in SMAN 1 Pacitan is very well, so that 90 percent of students were received in both State and private college and good attitude. Islamic teachers implement habituation to create the of students character, both academic and non- academic one .In academic, teachers understand the characteristics of learners from the physical aspect, the moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual. Mastery of theory and principles in learning of Islamic education; Developing Islamic education curriculum; To accomplish the development of Islamic education; Mastering all the characteristics of school stake holders including principal. Utilizing of information and communication technology do perform and development of Islamic education; Development potential learners to actualize their potential in the field of Islamic education; Communication is effective, empathetic, and well manner with the students; Implementation of assessment and evaluation of processes and outcomes of learning Islamic education; Using the findings of the assessment and evaluation for learning Islamic education; Reflective action to improve the quality of learning Islamic education . Non-academic such as; to discipline students affectionatelly, to arrouse learning spirit,to utilize learning resources. Religious Education Teachers Effort in Improving the quality of Islamic education in SMAN 1 Pacitan use several strategies, both intra- and extra-curricular strategies ; cooperate internal religious teacher, extern religion teacher, principal, guidance counselor, and students parents. Religious Education Teacher Support in Improving the Quality of Islamic Education in SMA 1 Pacitan in 2013/2014. Aspects teachers are Creative to understand students' learning styles; perceptive student boredom; not angry; Aspects of the methods which applied by the Islamic religion teacher at SMAN 1 Pacitan in an effort to improve the quality of Islamic education is very various, according to KD ( Basic Competence ). Aspects of the material which is taught, class X as a pilot curriculum in 2013 and the Class XI and Class XII are still using KTSP curriculum, all goes well and smoothly; Aspects of the evaluation carried out by Islamic teachers of SMAN 1 Pacitan consists of assessment of cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Obstacles which are faced by religious teachers in improving the quality of Islamic education; they are input of students from families which are very homogenous environment, mosque or place of worship insufficient and could not accommodate the number of people in schools. Not able to perform the worship Jum'ah prayers at school, reservoir is still branched to another instalation, so that water is not run well when students use it together

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