
Translation Analysis Of English Figurative In J.K. Rowling’s Novel Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secret And Its Translation By Listiana Srisanti


This research belongs to a descriptive qualitative research. The researcher tries to describe the English-Indonesian translation of the English figurative language in Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. The data of this research paper are the English figurative language in 18 chapters of Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. From the collected data, the researcher found 120 data, which consist of 39 data simile, 25 data metaphor, 3 data apostrophe, 27 data hyperbole, 9 data personification, 11 data symbol, 6 data euphemism. The result of the researcher show that; first, there are two types of translation, used in English-Indonesian translation of the English figurative language in Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. They are; literal translation 75 data (62,5%) and free translation 45 data (37,5%). The dominant type of translation in this research is literal translation.The second is that there are three kinds of translation variations which occur in English-Indonesian translation of the English figurative language in Rowling’s novel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secret. They are; English figurative language translated into the same type in Indonesian figurative language 102 data (85%), English figurative language translated into other type in Indonesian figurative language 12 data (10%), and English figurative language translated into the non-figurative language form 6 data (5%). The last is that all of variations of translation divided into two categories, the accurate and inaccurate translation. The translation dominated by the accurate translation. Data which cover accurate translation are 76 data (63,3%) and inaccurate translation are 44 data (36,7%)

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