Technologies especially Web 2.0 tools and mobile devices are transforming the way education is delivered.
As such higher education institutions are experiencing an emerging pedagogical trend that may cause
copyright infringement. The Copyright Act 1987 was legislated to inspire continuing creative work among
academicians. Hence, the knowledge and awareness of Copyright Law and its infringement becomes
increasingly significant in protecting the academicians’ work. Unawareness of the law can cause students
to infringe the law and it can affect academicians’ work. An initial survey was conducted on 127 first year
students from all nine programmes of Sunway College Johor Bahru. The results reveal that although the
respondents have a relatively high awareness level and claim to understand the infringement; their actual
knowledge level is only approximately 50% of the law. Also, the knowledge and awareness levels have very
little correlation with the attitude level towards the Copyright Law