
Bond option pricing under the CKLS model


Consider the European call option written on a zero coupon bond. Suppose the call option has maturity T and strike price K while the bond has maturity S T . We propose a numerical method for evaluating the call option price under the Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff and Sanders (CKLS) model in which the increment of the short rate over a time interval of length dt , apart from being independent and stationary, is having the quadratic-normal distribution with mean zero and variance dt. The key steps in the numerical procedure include (i) the discretization of the CKLS model; (ii) the quadratic approximation of the time-T bond price as a function of the short rate rT at time T; and (iii) the application of recursive formulas to find the moments of r(t+dt) given the value of r(t). The numerical results thus found show that the option price decreases as the parameter in the CKLS model increases, and the variation of the option price is slight when the underlying distribution of the increment departs from the normal distribution

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