
Symmetry violation in weak decays


Our current knowledge of particle physics is described by the Standard Model (SM). This model, however, leaves important observations unexplained. To answer these outstanding questions, as of yet, unknown physics is required. In the search for new physics, symmetries and their breaking play a guiding role. This dissertation combines experimental results to find to which extent nature is described by our current theory. For this the breaking of the discrete symmetries: parity, charge-conjugation and time-reversal invariance is studied. In addition the possible breakdown of Lorentz symmetry is considered. The breaking of this fundamental symmetry, that lies at the foundation of both the SM and general relativity, is possible in some of the theoretical models that try to unify the SM and gravity. The breaking of the discrete symmetries in beta decay played a major role in development of the SM. Nowadays, beta-decay experiments also search for new interactions. In this dissertation the significance of beta decay compared to experiments at the Large Hadron Collider and to searches for electric dipole moments is studied. This allowed us to make important recommendations for future beta-decay experiments. There have been many tests of Lorentz invariance, but these left the weak interaction relatively unexplored. In this dissertation, Lorentz-symmetry breaking is studied in a number of weak decays. This allowed us to put limits on the effects of Lorentz-symmetry breaking and to make recommendations for future experiments to further test Lorentz invariance in the weak interaction

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