
Micro-geophysics to assess the integrity of some statues in the Museo Egizio of Turin, Italy


On request of the Soprintendenza in charge of the Museo Egizio of Turin, a quite large number of tests have been performed on four statues of the museum to assess their integrity both for practical (moving the statue) and archaeological purposes. Ultrasonic tomography and georadar have been used with fine results on sub-decimeter scale. In this paper we present the main results on the statues of the Pharaons Ramses II (Fig.1 left) and Tuthmosis I. (Fig.2 left). Both the statues belong to the collection set up by Bernardino Drovetti, Console Generale of France in Egypt in the early XIX century. Ramses II statue was restored in the first half of the XIX century. Few documents can be found on these restoration works: very likely the statue arrived broken to Turin and was reassembled with cement mortar (Hartleben, 1909) No news can be found neither on the type of mortar nor on the quantity of mortar actually used. The statue of Ramses was probably found at Tebe in 1818. It is made by basanite exploited from a quarry in Uadi Hammamat. The basanite is a basaltic extrusive rock also known as Lydian stone or lydite. It was almost exclusively reserved to the crafting of statues of pharaons or divinities. In many parts of the statue the mortar (as dark as the stone) is clearly visible (Fig.1 right). The statue of Tutmosis I was found by J.J. Rifaud , a Drovetti 's agent, in 1818 in Tebe, very likely in the Karnak temple. The king sits on a throne with many scripts on both the sides of the seat. The statue is made by a dark diorite with some light pink plagioclase crystals sizing few centimeters. Its conservation seems fairly goo

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