SPDC based single-photon source with frequency up-conversion multiplexed architecture


We describe a single-photon source based on an array of spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) modules multiplexed by an integrated structure composed of electro-optic switches and delay wave-guides. The suggested optical device allows to increase the photon source frequency compared to the SPDC laser pumping frequency and enhances both stability, controllability, and efficiency. This device transforms the spatial multiplexing into a temporal multiplexing with temporary photon storage. The photons are stored into different delay lines and temporally sequentialized. This train of photon can then be used in high frequency emission (up-conversion) and compensation of photon lack among the pumping cycles (down-conversion). The implementation consists of a crossed multiplexed architecture using electro-optic switches. The architecture first drives the downconverters array outputs into several layers of delay lines organized in shared and by-passable binary delay register. The architecture then includes a routing tree driving all the photons into a single output

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