Stakeholders\u27 Perceptions of English Language Learners Meeting Adequate Yearly Progress in Reading


English language learners (ELLs) in a Midwestern urban elementary school have not been meeting the local school\u27s adequate yearly progress (AYP) in reading in 3 consecutive years on statewide test scores. Meeting school standards is important because failing to meet AYP for 6 consecutive years can result in the restructuring or closing of any public school in the nation. The rationale for this qualitative case study was to examine the perceptions of stakeholders, 7 parents, teachers, and school administrators, all of whom have demonstrated knowledge of and proximity to the school\u27s AYP decisions, to develop vocabulary strategies that may increase students\u27 state test scores in reading. The conceptual framework was based on Gardner\u27s multiple intelligences. The research questions focused on understanding stakeholders\u27 perceptions of the proficiency of ELLs in reading, professional development for reading teachers of ELLs, recommendations for helping ELLs improve reading proficiency, and the challenges reading teachers face in ELL classes. Semi-structured interviews with each participant were transcribed, color-coded, and analyzed using holistic and typological analysis techniques to search for and develop themes and patterns. Findings revealed a need for teachers to receive professional development training related to improving ELLs\u27 vocabulary to improve their reading proficiency. A 3-day professional development curriculum project was developed to focus on teaching effective vocabulary strategies. This study has implications for social change focused on improving teachers\u27 capacity to work with ELLs and to improve their reading scores which have lasting impact on students\u27 lives

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