The organizational model of the interregional transplant agency Organizzazione Centro-Sud Trapianti.


In Italy, all donation and transplant activities were officially disciplined in 1999 by the law 91 of April 1, 1999. This law enacted a coordinator-based model of transplantation, instituted the National Center for Transplantation (Centro Nazionale Trapianti-CNT), and endorsed the existing interregional transplant agencies (ITA), such as the Nord Italia Transplant program (NITp), the Associazione InterRegionale Trapianti (AIRT), and the Organizzazione Centro-Sud Trapianti (OCST). Within its borders each ITA has adopted its own organizational model; there is no overt centralized control exerted by the CNT according to the law 91/1999. The aim of the current work is to report on the organizational model adopted by OCST, the ITA gathering the Italian regions of Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Latium, Molise, Sardinia, Sicily, and Umbri

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