


Sri Hartati: The Influence of Audio Lingual Method on the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at the First Year Students of MTsN Leuwimunding Language as means for communication takes an important role in our daily activities. In this modern era, people are demanded to acquire more than one language. One of the important languages that should be mastered is English. But, students usually difficult to express their ideas in English. There are because of the students are less in mastering vocabulary. So, the teachers have to find out the appropriate method for teaching English vocabulary. That is why the writer takes a research about the influence of audio lingual method to the students’ achievement in English vocabulary. One of the important things in the process of teaching and learning English is vocabulary. Vocabulary is a basic need in communication. It plays an important role in the four language skills. By mastering vocabulary, students will be able to produce many sentences either in spoken or written texts. Knowing a language may mean knowing its vocabulary. The Audio Lingual method is the method which focuses in repetition some words to memorize. In the execution of learning process, Audio Lingual method give more practice, drill, memorize vocabularies, and the students memorize and practice some vocabulary unconsciously. The objective of the research is to find out the influence of audio lingual method on the students’ vocabulary achievement at the first year students of MTsN Leuwimunding. The method of the research is quantitative research. The researcher does the research by using the formula of statistic, especially by using the formula of product moment correlation by Pearson. Then to collect the data the researcher use the techniques of observation, interview, test, and questionnaire. MTsN Leuwimunding is the Islamic junior high school which has been giving general and religious instruction and education well-balanced. It has complete enough facilities. The instructional processes were done in the classroom. In this research the writer knew that the students give a good response to the application of audio lingual method, it can be considered as ‘positive response’. The average of students’ vocabulary achievement after taught by using audio lingual method is ‘good’, they get a ‘high score’. It shows that there is ‘significant influence’ between the students’ response to the application of audio lingual method and the students’ vocabulary achievement. The result of product moment correlation between the application of audio lingual method on the students’ vocabulary achievement is 0.67. It means that the null hypothesis is rejected and the research hypothesis received. It is prove by mark of testing hypothesis that the result of rxy is higher than rtable-product-moment where rxy is 0.67 and rtable with 5% significant is 0.361 or robserved > rtable (0.67>0.361)

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