A Resource system package for reservation systems


The Resource System Package is a software tool developed to aid in the design and use of reservation system databases. The package is designed to automate the creation of a reservation database for arbitrary objects and to facilitate ease of maintenance and updating of existing databases. Databases set up via the resource system are maintained through the Mistress Relational Database System, although no specific knowledge of Mistress is required of either the database designer or the users of the database. The package is menu-driven for ease of use. This package consists of two separate programs, a Resource System program and a Reservation System program. The Resource System program allows a database designer to create the reservation database. A designer is prompted for the characteristics of the objects which will be represented in the database, for descriptions of the objects available, and for information which will be used in the maintenance of the database; the program goes on to construct the actual Mistress database from the information supplied. The Reservation System program allows users to manipulate any of the available reservation databases which they have permission to modify. An individual user is presented with a set of options for manipulation of the database, which include the creation, modification, and deletion of reservations, as well as options to allow examination of the database. This paper discusses the prepartion and development of the Resource System Package. Also discussed are the history, implementation, project description and design, and conclusions drawn

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