Nature through sculpture


Human beings were born from nature and in death they return back to nature. This quote express how closely we are connected to nature which is defined a word as all the plants, animals and things that exist in the universe that are not made by people. We first came from nature, and in this complicated society, we sometimes feel like returning to the peaceful, magnificent and tranquil side of nature. Through my work, I would like to show his interpretation of how nature is. For example, a person can look at the ocean and feel peaceful, but someone else can look at the same ocean and feel depressed. Therefore, in my pieces I would like to show how I see different parts of nature. Another goal of in all of my work is to evoke the landscape of nature, as in painting, and force viewers to feel how nature breathes. To instill the breath of nature into lifeless object is what I strive to achieve in my work and in my life. The works are divided into two different parts that could be described by words like mountain, ocean. Most of my works, entitled Nature Through Sculpture, are composed of copper sheets and are simplified shapes of early Korean mountains in paintings, through modern Korean mountains in paintings. My works challenge viewers to discover an entirely new perspective of traditional sculptures realistically through contemporary sculptures almost as if they were futuristic. Sculptors and their work reflect and create the culture in their own way in modern art. Therefore, artistic works are a kind of aesthetic reflection of the culture. Art as defined by the Korean dictionary originally means, to join or fit together and culture comes from cultivation and growth. I believe the purpose of art is not to honor and increase its complexity, but to simplify the world and our place in it. From this perspective, functions have changed from time to time and age to age. Though my works, I intend to express lyrical Korean nature. These pieces raise the question of the image of the nature in today\u27s society. I encourage viewers to answer this question when seeing my emotional works

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