A New electronic image array: The Active pixel charge injection device


This is a Ph.D. thesis dissertation in which a new type of image sensor is investigated as possible successor to the charge coupled device (CCD) for scientific applications. As a result of the work described in this dissertation, the active pixel charge injection device (AP-CID) has been developed. This device retains most of the positive features of both the charge injection device (CJD) imager (random readout, non destructive readout, antiblooming, increased UV sensitivity, radiation tolerance, low power consumption, low manufacturing price) and the CCD imager (low noise, high dynamic range). The device lacks most of the drawbacks of the aforementioned devices. A functional array architecture was created. Based on this architecture several devices were fabricated. One of the arrays was fully measured, characterized and suggestions for improvement were formulated. Most of the characterizationalysis work described in this dissertation was centered on the following issues: temporal noise, linearity and FPN. The measured noise performance of the new device is excellent and comparable to the noise performance of the scientific CCD. The newly developed sensor is necessary for scientific imaging applications in space based operation. However due to its qualities, this device could be used in a much wider range of applications including commercial digital cameras, spectroscopy, biological, nuclear and other scientific applications

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