
Health sector reform:situation analysis of 37 districts for the first phase of health sector reform


\ud This study was a collaborative undertaking between the National Institute for Medical Research and the Ministry of Health. The main aim was to obtain baseline information for 37 districts to be involved in the First Phase of Health Sector Reforms. The information is to be used to inform and guide the process, as well as providing a basis for evaluation of the impact of Health Sector Reform in the future. The data was collected by DHMT in each of the 37 districts. During the process two meetings were conducted. The first meeting discussed the catalogue and the methods of data collection. The second meeting rook the fom1 of feedback in which the results were discussed with DHMT. The meetings involved NIMR supervisors. In each of the study district, three catalogues were filled out. A copy was given to DMO’s office for local use, another copy was given to the RMO's office in the region involved. The research team retained the third copy.\u

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