Bildungsromantik. On the academic lecture as a rhetorical form of university education in the first half of the nineteenth century


The article reviews a few historical and literary issues related to research on the academic lecture. As a rhetorical form of education (resp. Bildung), the genre in its modern sense was developed in the “Golden Age of the University” – an intellectual period between the late Enlightenment and the early Romanticism. In the first part of the article, the author focuses on the notion of a university, its historical semantics, discursive practices and constant connections with the idea of the universe. The second part presents some “scripts”, i.e. written sources, enabling a historian of literature to study lectures delivered by Wincenty Pol – a famous Polish Romantic poeta doctus as well as poeta doctor.Bogusław Wajzer – doktorant w Katedrze Historii Literatury Oświecenia i Romantyzmu na Wydziale Polonistyki UJ, dwukrotny stypendysta MNiSW oraz laureat Stypendium im. Stanisława Pyjasa za pracę dla wspólnoty akademickiej. Pod opieką promotorską prof. dr hab. Agnieszki Ziołowicz przygotowuje książkę doktorską o „romantyzmie uniwersyteckim” pod roboczym tytułem Poetae doctores. Retoryka wykładu akademickiego w 1. połowie XIX wieku.25728

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