LoanSTAR Energy Auditing: Update and Changes


Annual savings identified by detailed LoanSTAR audits during the period January, 1989 -December, 1991 are 13.7millionwithaninvestmentcostof13.7 million with an investment cost of 46.1 million. These savings represent retrofit projects in state-owned buildings, local government-owned facilities, and independent school districts, accounting for 80%, 16%, and 4% of the investment cost, respectively. A summary of retrofit projects by type is presented and modifications to chillers and chilled water systems account for 26% of the savings and 32% of the cost, followed by lighting retrofits which account for 24% of the savings and 24% of the cost. The Governor's Energy Office has implemented changes to simplify the audit process by eliminating some calculations. Independent calculations and maintenance and operating procedures calculations are no longer required, and some retrofit projects may depend on standard paybacks to identify cost savings

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