Thermal Energy Measurement with Tangential Paddlewheel Flow Meters: Summary of Experimental Results and in-situ Diagnostics


In this paper a summary of experimental results from calibration efforts in the Texas LoanSTAR program are presented, including the premature drop-out of magnetic-type tangential paddlewheel flow meters, and several new methods for in-situ diagnostic measures for ascertaining whether or not a flow meter is experiencing fluctuating flow conditions or if a flow meter is suffering a degraded signal due to shaft wear.Recently third-party financing has become a popular mechanism for funding energy conservation retrofits in commercial/institutional buildings. Although many successful projects have been heralded by the press quite a few projects have either ended in litigation or have required arbitration when the actual utility bill savings did not match the negotiated savings (Haberl 1992). This has prompted state and federal officials to develop consensus standards1 that could be used to obtain some sort of accurate measurement across different projects

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