
Post-grooming furunculose bij een hond


A five-year-old, intact, male labrador retriever was presented on emergency with general complaints of fever, lethargy and anorexia. During clinical examination, very painful skin lesions were noticed dorsally on the neck and back, and there was also a clear left apical systolic murmur with a degree of 4/6. On histopathological examination of the lesional skin, there was rupture of the follicle wall surrounded with a pronounced suppurative inflammation. The dog was diagnosed with post-grooming furunculosis and mitral valve endocardiosis ACVIM stage B2. Culture of the lesional skin and the shampoo used to wash the dog prior to the onset of the skin lesions revealed the presence of the same bacteria, evidencing a clear link between the bathing and development of the skin lesions

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