Dolgozói elégedettségvizsgálat tapasztalatainak felhasználása a vezetői munkában


The founders, the possessors and the leaders of an organisation have the biggest influence on its life. The basic values are determined by the leaders. Not only during the establishment but at any time when the leaders are changing, their behaviour seems to be like a model for each member of the community. Next to the formation of the values, their basic task is to reassure and consolidate them in the life of the organization. The leaders should take care mostly on how to behave and how to connect the others because their behaviours are like a mirror for the workers. We can presume two determining processes in point of the value's development presented by the leader. One of them is the basic value evolved as a result of the socialisation. The socialisation is not an enclosing process, but it is continual, so the other process is the interchange of the evolved value

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