
Noise event measures for road traffic


How should noise events in road traffic noise be measured? This paper reports the performance of a set of algorithms that detect noise events in time histories of road traffic noise in the population of acoustic conditions found near roadways. The latter was obtained through simulation of 500 different road traffic noise time histories using a comprehensive range of traffic flow, traffic composition, and propagation distance, conditions in unshielded locations near roadways. The initial set of algorithms tested was developed by systematically expanding on threshold-based algorithms described in the literature, then excluding those that were unreliable. The finding was that the NA50 and NA55 (detecting when road traffic noise exceeded 50 dB and 55 dB respectively), and the NAL50E10 (detecting when the traffic levels exceeded L50 + 10 dB) can all be considered for practical application as event detection indicators. All apply to measurement of indoor events with the windows of the dwelling open. The primary criterion for selection as supplementary indicators (and others in the same clusters that could substitute for them) was their non-monotonic relationship with the LAeq, The traffic and distance conditions under which these event-based measures could potentially be useful supplementary indicators is identified.Griffith Sciences, Griffith School of EnvironmentFull Tex

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