
The effect of swell (social-interactive writing for english language learners) method on students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph at mas yp Raudhatul akmal batang kuis


The aim of this research is too know the students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph that were taught by using SWELL (Social- interactive Writing For English Language learners) method, to know the students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph that were taught by using conventional method and to find out whether there was significant effect on the students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph at the tenth grade of MAS YP Raudhatul Akmal Batang Kuis in 2018/2019. The research methodology of this research was a quantitative research, which conducted the experimental and control group. The population of the research was tenth grade students of MAS YP Raudhatul Akmal Batang Kuis, the number of students were 76 students consist of two class. The experiment class was 38 student and control class was 38 students as sample. The instrument for collecting data was observation, interviews, and the researcher gave writing test to collect the data. There were two test; pre –test and post-test. The formula that used to analyze the data was t-table. After analyzing the data, the writer got; (1) The students’ ability in writing narrative paragraph by using SWELL method got the mean 76.84 and standard deviation was 8.88; (2) The students’ ability in writing narrative paragraph by using conventional strategy got the mean 68.15 and standard deviation was 7.22. The value of tobserved was 6.77 and that of ttable was 1.99. The value of tobservedwas higher than that of ttable(6.77>1.99), so Ha was accepted while Ho was rejected. It means that there was significant effect of using SWEEL method on the students’ achievement in writing narrative paragraph

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