
Alternativen der Kleegrasnutzung in vieharmen und viehlosen Betrieben


Increasing number of stockless organic farms give reason to search for new forms of clover-grass (CG) utilization in order to maintain or increase soil fertility and productivity. A quantitative study was carried out among 93 organic farms to identify different forms of CG utilization and their assets and drawbacks on organic farms. Different ways of CG transfer such as direct transfer (cut & carry) and indirect transfer stockless farms. In addition, seven farms were interviewed about their experiences with CG transfer practices. The farmers rate CG transfer mainly positive, since it may partially compensate the negative effects on soil fertility through the missing manure on stockless organic farms. As less than 0.2 LU/ha is found on more than 34% of all organic farms, there is a high relevance for alternative forms of CG usage in order to ensure the fertility of organic arable farming. However, we also see a high need for research to improve economic conditions of animal husbandry as an integral part of sustainable organic farming systems

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