Verification of Efficiency of Terms of Forming of Professionally-Vocal Culture of Future Teachers of Physical Culture


У даній статті експериментально перевірено й доведено ефективність запропонованих умов, які сприятимуть покращенню рівня сформованості основних показників професійно-мовленнєвої культури майбутніх учителів фізичної культури. Визначено якість сформованості комунікативних якостей студентів-майбутніх вчителів фізичної культури контрольних та експериментальних груп на трьох етапах опитування. Розвиток комунікативного компоненту професійно-мовленнєвої культури автори статті визначали за рівнем сформованості комунікативних якостей мови, для чого були виокремлено такі параметри: інформативність, логічність, точність, виразність, багатство, чистота, емоційність, милозвучність і доречність мовлення.Efficiency of the offered terms which will assist the improvement of level of formed of basic indexes of professionally-vocal culture of students of future teachers of physical culture is experimentally tested and well-proven in this article. Professional preparation of future teachers of physical culture takes place in the conditions of higher educational establishment. For approaching of future teachers to the problems of P.E there was a necessity of the development and introduction of terms of forming of communicative-speech culture of future teacher of physical culture in modern society. In the process of verification of realization the model of forming professionally-speech culture of future teachers of physical culture a forming experiment was conducted with the aim of determination of efficiency of the offered terms that would assist the improvement of the level of formed basic indexes of professionally-speech culture of the students of the faculties of P.E. The development of communicative component of professionally-speech culture we determined after the level of formed communicative qualities of language, for what the next parameters were certain: informing, logic, exactness, expressiveness, riches, cleanness, emotionality, euphony and broadcasting appropriateness. The test tasks made on the basis of generalization of methodical and certificate sources for determination of culture of speech of students on practical classes on sport disciplines were used. The aim of implementation of exercises was also in enriching of the vocabulary of teachers of physical culture, education of language taste, realized attitude toward an own language as to the standard for the future teachers of physical culture. The special accent was here done on that, to what consequences in future pedagogical communication of teacher could bring inaccuracy of language, and also on that the use of uninformative vocabulary in the language of a teacher worries and, accordingly, circulated in the language of teachers of physical culture

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