Die Bestimmung von Vanadin, Chrom, Mangan und Arsen in Titandioxid durch Neutronenaktivierungsanalyse


The Determination of Vanadium, Chromium, Manganese and Arsenic in Titanium Dioxide by Neutron Activation Analysis. For the determination of vanadium, chromium, manganese and arsenic in titanium dioxide several different neutron activation analysis procedures have been employed. Vanadium has been determined via 52^{52}V after a short time irradiation of the hydrofluoric acid solution of titanium dioxide and extraction by N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamin. For the analysis of chromium the sample is dissolved in potassium disulfate, chromium is extracted and determined by y-measurement of 51^{51}Cr. Manganese can be rneasured by a γ\gamma-ray spectrometer after reactor irradiation without chemical separation. Arsenic has to be carefully separated, above all from antirnony which is usually present in a large excess. This has be done by a newly developed column extraction procedure, so that 76^{76}As can be measured without interference. The development of the procedures and the completion of the analyses are fully described

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