Influence of sectioning otoliths on marginal increment trends and age and growth estimates for the flathead Platycephalus speculator


Comparisons are made between estimates of ages and growth of the flathead from a temperate Western Australian estuary, using data obtained from whole and sectioned otoliths. Use of whole otoliths frequently underestimated age by one year in 2+ to 4+ fish and two years in 5+ to 10+ fish, and by as much as five or six years in the oldest fish (11+ and 12+). The respective 95% confidence limits for the parameters L∞, K, and To in the von Bertalanffy growth equations for males, calculated using data from sectioned otoliths, overlapped those calculated from data for whole otoliths, and the same was true for K with females. This similarity in growth curves in particularly the first four years of life can be attributed to the fact that c74 and 65% of the growth of males and females, respectively, occurred in the first three years, when under-estimates of age were limite

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