
Peningkatan Hasil Belajarmenggunakan Alat Peraga Timbanganbilangan di Sekolah Dasar Pontianak Selatan


This is researchaimed to describe the increaseoutcome of students using props scales the sum of numbers on learning in class I of State Elementary School 16 South Pontianak. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The nature of research is collaborative with the form of classroom action research. Subjects in this study were researchers and students of State Elementary School classIC 16 South Pontianak totaling 25 people. The results obtained are teachers plan learning ability scores increased 0.60 of the first cycle with an average of 3.30, while the second cycle with an average of 3.90. Besides scores of teachers in implementing the learning ability also increased to 0.75 from the first cycle with an average of 3.16, while the second cycle with an average of 3.91. On the learning outcomes of students has increased 24.80 from the first cycle with an average of 66.40, while the second cycle with an average of 91.20. It can be concluded that the use of props scales numbers can improve the ability of teachers in planning, implementing learning addition and can improve student learning outcomes State Elementary School class I South Pontianak

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