
Pelestarian Lingkungan Hidup: suatu Kajian Berdasarkan Pendidikan Kependudukan Danlingkungan Hidup (Pklh) di Beberapa Sekolah Dasar


The objective of this research aimed to know about environment conservation in connection with the educational program of population and environment (PKLH) in elementary school (SD), in which or especially located around the Tondano lake, Minahasa, North Sulawesi. The qualitative-descriptive approach was conducted on, during February 2014 at 8 schools. Its focused to headmasters, teachers, students, and then continued by observation of schools and its environment. By using interview and participant-observation techniques, researcher take an active role on the learning activities and direct interaction with students in the classroom. After that continuing to search and observing students activities after and out school. The result of this research shows that PKLH was conducted in SD by using integrative approach, and we find that students get more information and knowledge and have an attitude and proper behavior rationally and responsibly according to their ability and educational level

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