
Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pelajaran IPS Kelas VIII D SMPN 1 Bangko Pusako Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016


The research is based on the fact that the classical completeness (75%) social subjects in grade VIII D low. So the impact on learning outcomes that of 29 students who take daily tests are completed reached KKM 80 is only about 34.8%. This means that there are approximately 65.2% of students who fail to reach the KKM. Of course this makes no classical completeness achievement in the classroom. This research is classroom action research (PTK) collaboration between teachers and students with a number of students as subjects of research that as many as 29 people in the class VIII.D the school year 2015/2016. The study took place at the beginning of the semester from January to June. The conclusion is that student achievement VIII.D grade SMPN 1 Bangko Pusako has increased from the initial test (pre-test) to test the end of the first cycle (post-test) and then to the final test (post-test) the second cycle is the percentage of classical completeness of 27.58% or by calculating the number of students who completed 8 be 37.93% or by calculating the 11 students who completed the first cycle and more significantly in the second cycle is 86.2% or as many as 25 students who pass. Activities teachers use cooperative learning model of Group Investigation (GI) in grade VIII D SMPN 1 Bangko Pusako the academic year 2015/2016 has increased. It is based on the calculation result after the holding of the observation is of 62.5% or a total score of 60 at the first meeting in the first cycle to 68.75% or a total score of 22 in the second meeting in the first cycle then to 75% or a total score of 24 at the first meeting in the second cycle and more significantly in the second meeting of the second cycle is 87.5% or a total score of 28

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    Last time updated on 07/01/2018