
Kedudukan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Ojk) dalam Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Masyarakat Bedasarkan Pasal 28 Undang-undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2011 Tentang Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Studi Kasus Investasi Save Our Trade di Kabupaten Mempawah).


This thesis discusses the position of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in Legal Protection for People Based on Article 28 of Law No. 21 of 2011 on the Financial Services Authority (Case Study Investment Save Our Trade In Mempawah District). The method used in this research is normative-sociological approach. From the results of this thesis is concluded Ivestasi illegall conducted Save Our Trade in this case dikatogorikan do pengimpunan public funds without permission from the Financial Services Authority, under Article 16 of Law No. 10 of 1998 on Banks must obtain permission Head of Bank Indonesia and switch to Financial Fervices Authority. The shift of authority permission depositor funds from Bank Indonesia to the Financial Services Authority under Article 55 of Law No. 21 Year 2011 concerning Keuangan.Otoritas Services Authority Financial Services has the authority of legal protection for people based on Articles 28, 29 and 30 of Law No. 21 Year 2011 on the Financial Services Authority to educate the public, provide facilities for customer complaints, as well as dealing with illegal investments to revoke the business license, or damages and or filed a lawsuit. The recommendation is the FSA as an authority in the handling of fund customers in the form invetasi illegal, should take preventive measures to capital investments of illegal earlier, by educating the public in the form of programming knowledge of financial products that have the potential to invest illegal and knowledge of customer complaints mechanism FSA to people in every region in Indonesia, the program created the FSA to make rules that can be applied socialization longer term in the form of public discussions and cooperation with local governments for the implementation of the program, training of product knowledge of financial services to the public to understand financial products regularly so people understand that goes into the category of illegal investments and know the customer complaints mechanism so that customers increased legal protection. Customer as the weaker party should be more active in choosing a financial investment, not get caught up in illegal capital investment License or investment permits and the right to know the permission of authorities, so as not to suffer losses

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