High rates of click communication in wild harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)


This upload contains the raw data (.dtg files) from two of the six harbour porpoise deployments of this study (hp12_293a and hp15_218a). It also contains the Matlab scripts used to acoustically and visually process the data (runAUDIT.m, d3audithp.m) and how to automatically detect and save cues for individual clicks within the marked click trains of interest (runPCclickdetector.m, detectTagclicks3.m), in this case, calls and buzzes. Finally, it contains a script that saves the time and sample cues of all detected clicks within each click train in individual files (PCfakeFMPCperm.m) and a script that enables manual correction of those click trains in which clicks have been falsely detected or missed (PCfixfakeFMPCT.m). Additional scripts used to run these scripts can be found in the Tag Toolbox that can be accessed and downloaded on www.animaltags.org.

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    Last time updated on 05/01/2018