The Concept of Counterculture: A Study


The movement of Counter Culture marks its historical significance in America. It came as the result of post World War II. This movement brought new trend of eccentric look, loud music, consumption of drug, sexual liberation. It happened first time in the history of American culture that young generation was moved towards mental peace rather than material gain. Even India has witnessed Counter Culture movement in the fields of music, films and literature. The Beats have also played an important role to voice against the tendency of American society through art during 1950. Later in 1960 the Hippie generation followed Beats and named the movement ‘Counter Culture’. The Beats remained limited to the groups of writers where as the Hippies reached far into the society with their counter culture movement. The tone of this cultural storm was that if you want to do something than just go for it.  There are the instances where it seems that Henry David Thoreau may have inspired the counter culture movement through his Walden and Civil Disobedience

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