Phrasal Monarchy of Choudhary in Indian English Poetry


Arbind Kumar Choudhary is basically a big gun of the literary passages whose racy style of versification, Indianised version of sonnets, phrasal passages, proverbial pigments and uses of various figures of speech glitter like butter for the aster of its nectar. The popularity of his innovative poetic passages persuades a number of his verse-suitors and compels them to abide by his track of versification. Being a game person of the creative groves Arbind Kumar Choudhary tried his best to set the Thames on fire without fear or favour. His immense popularity amidst the creative writers in a short span of his poetic career makes him a poet of high water mark in Indian writing in English. Arbind Kumar Choudhary is really a poet of high water mark in Indian English poetry without mystery

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