
Análisis descriptivo de intervenciones realizadas y premedicación perioperatoria en cirugia bucal en los pabellones de la facultad de odontología. Universidad Andrés Bello, sede Santiago. Periodo 2008-2013


Tesis para optar al Título de Cirujano - DentistaAbstract In the development of clinical practice, there are many procedures that can involve dental surgery, which may have different purposes, but always focused on solving problems giving back to patients the comfort and functionality of the masticatory apparatus. After an oral surgery, the procedure can cause a number of complications such as edema, trismus and after surgery pain. To avoid this we have several measures where the use of pharmacological means is one of the major therapies, especially if it is applied within the surgical room. FACULTAD ODONTOLOGIA , ASIGNATURA DE CIRUGÍA BUCAL Noviembre de 2014 2 The general aim of this research is to know the types of oral surgeries performed and its relation to perioperative medication in the surgical room of the Faculty of Dentistry UNAB, Santiago, between 2008 and 2013. This non-experimental descriptive research was conducted by collecting information from Oral Surgery of the subject of surgery, made in the surgical room, of the school of Dentistry, UNAB, Santiago, in order to know the general characteristics of the interventions between 2008 and 2013; and also assess which were the most used medicines in the different procedures. 922 surgeries where performed throughout the period, where the most prevalent was the third molar surgery. Among the most commonly used medications were cefazolin, dexamethasone and ketoprofen, all intravenous route, mainly used before surgery. Also emphasize the use of oral sedation with midazolam concerning third molar surgery. The results of this research indicate that there is no relationship between the prescribed medicine, type of surgery performed or age or gender. Instead of this, there is a standard protocol without indicating surgical procedure

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