
Tillering Response of \u27Monon\u27 And \u27Newton\u27 Winter Wheats Infested With Biotype L Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Larvae


Two wheat, Triticum aestivum, cultivars that differed in their ability to tiller were infested by ovipositing Hessian flies, Mayetiola destructor, under similar controlled conditions. Since a larva typically stunts and kills the stem where it feeds and develops, tiller development of fly infested-wheat seedlings is an important plant trait relative to grain yield. \u27Monon\u27 tillered more than \u27Newton at the 0 infestation level (control). \u27Monon\u27 had about the same number of tillers at 0, 1, 2, and 3 puparia (indicative of the number of feeding larvae) per plant; and \u27Newton\u27 had fewer tillers at 0 than 1, 2, or 3 puparia per stem. However, tillering of both cultivars was less at 4 or more puparia per stem, perhaps due to the depletion of plant nutrients. In general, for both cultivars there was a decrease in leaf length, number and wet weight as the number of puparia increased per tiller

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