
Determination of Frequency and Distribution of Hessian Fly (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) Biotypes in the Northeastern Soft Wheat Region


Fifteen collections of Hessian flies from the northern soft winter wheat region of the United States were used to determine the composition and frequency of biotypes. The wheat cultivars \u27Seneca\u27 (H7Hs), \u27Monon\u27 (H3), \u27Knox 62\u27 (~, H7Hg), and \u27Abe\u27 (Hs) were used as differentials. Biotypes J and L replaced biotype B as the prevalent biotype in Indiana, since wheat cultivars having the Hs and the H6 genes have been grown. Biotype GP, the least virulent of any Hessian fly biotypes, was still present in New York indicating that wheat cuItivars with no genes for resistance are still being grown there. The genetic variability of Hessian fly biotypes that enables them to overcome the resistance in wheat cultivars is discussed

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