
Habitats and Spider Prey of \u3ci\u3eDipogon Sayi Sayi\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) in Washington County, Maine


Spider wasps were reared from three types of trap-nests deployed in strip-clearcut areas of a spruce-fir-mixed hardwood forest of Maine. Collections of Dipogon sayi sayi from Mooseborn National Wildlife Refuge, Washington County, represent the easternmost records for the United States. Spider prey included females of Misumena vatia, Xysticus emertoni (new prey record), and X. punctatus, and juveniles and penultimate males of Xysticus sp. We found no evidence of nest-site competition between spider wasps and eumenid wasps (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae) that prey on spruce budwornl, Choristoneura fumiferana, when available nesting sites ranged from 320 to 4400

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