
Crawling Water Beetles of Wisconsin (Coleoptera: Haliplidae)


(excerpt) Haliplidae are smail water beetles, less than 5 mm long, that frequently occur in abundance in ponds, marshes, sloughs, and swamps and also along the margins of slow streams or lakes where there is not severe wave action. Adults are readily recognized by their yelloa- to orange ground color with black maculations on the elytra and sometimes on the head and pronotum (Figs. 1,3,4). They have a distinctive shape, being broadest at the basss of the elytra and tapered toward the posterior end. The metacoxae are covered by dis~ctive plates that are unique among water beetles (Fig. 2). The tarsi and tibiae of the adults are modified for swimming, and the beetles can swim quite well, although they mostly crawl among the vegetation. Adults and larvae are found among vegetation upon which they feed, filamentous algae being the primary source of food for most species, but detrims and animal material may form a portion of the diet in some species. In Wisconsin most species probably have a one-year life cycle and overwinter as adults. Eggs are laid during spring and early summer, usually in or upon algae. There are three larval instars, and pupation takes place in moist soil above the water line. Larvae have been derrihd for only a few species, so identification is based upon adult characteristics

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